What is a Customer Journey Map?

Defining a customer’s needs, interactions, and problems is difficult. But without understanding your customer’s experience at each stage, you cannot make long-term improvement decisions for your company. So, what can be done?

The simplest and best thing to do is use a customer journey map. This way, you can understand and visualize how your targeted customers feel about your brand.

The customer journey map can help you identify CX gaps ahead of time. You can also make the best decisions for the company by discovering critical information and increasing customer retention.

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map refers to the visual storyline of a customer’s engagement with a product, brand, or service. By creating the map, a company can think like its customers.

A proper customer journey map shows all customer interaction touchpoints with the brand. It includes how the customers first heard about the brand to their direct interaction with the brand or product. In short, the customer journey map shows customers' actions over time.

Mapping the customer's journey is essential regardless of the medium the customer uses to interact with the brand. When done well, the journey map shows how each segment of customers moves through your customer experience.

A customer journey map is also used by B2B businesses to know the common customer pain point. It allows them to personalize and optimize the customer’s experience.

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